BASQUIAT’S STUDIO 7, oil crayon + acrylic on canvas, 80.75 x 261in/205.1 x 663cm, 2022 Visitors experience a life size recreation of Basquiat’s loft on Crosby Street in 1983. Collection of Fubon Art Museum, Taipei

KEITH HARING’S STUDIO (CABLE BUILDING/NYC) 2023 mixed media on canvas, 68 x 86in/172 x 218.5cm

BASQUIAT’S STUDIO 1, acrylic + oil crayon on canvas, 66 x 72in/168 x 183cm, 2017

“KUSAMA’S SIXTIES STUDIO, NYC” acrylic on canvas, 2024 157.2 cm x 213 cm/62 x 84 inches.

“ROY LICHTENSTEIN’S STUDIO, NEW YORK,” 2024,” acrylic + oil on canvas, 160 cm x 213 cm/ 63 x 84 inches.

Pick up some chalk and help me. I need to cover these six black posters and I could use some help.

KEITH HARING’S STUDIO (NEW YORK, 1988), acrylic on canvas, 62 x 72 in/ 157.5 x 182.9cm, 2010

DAMIAN, ROBERT FRASER + JEAN MICHEL BASQUIAT IN 1985, gouache on paper, 11 x 11in/28 x 28cm

Thank you Damian, but I want to tell you a secret about this painting. I made it last night in the alleyway behind the Hilton Hotel.

JEFF KOONS’ STUDIO, gouache on board, 20 x 20in/50.8 50.8cm, 2016

HELEN FRANKENTHALER’S STUDIO, 2020 Gouache on board 47 x 64 cm Collection of Fubon Art Museum

ROY LICHTENSTEIN’S STUDIO (NYC, 1964) acrylic on canvas, 62 x 72in/157.5 x 182.9cm, 2019 Collection of Marciano Art Foundation

WARHOL’S FACTORY (NYC, 1964) acrylic on canvas, 64 X 72in

KUSAMA’S STUDIO (NYC, 1966) gouache on board, 19 x 19 in/48.2 x 48.2 cm, 2020 Collection of Fubon Art Foundation

“BASQUIAT’S STUDIO, CROSBY STREET,” acrylic + oil on canvas, 2023, 174.6 cm x 219 cm/68.75 x 86.25 inches

Keith Haring’s Studio

Now I am going to do you a big favor. If you haven’t done a painting by the next time I see you, I won’t talk to you.

DE KOONING’S STUDIO (NYC/1952) gouache on board, 16 x 24in, 2018

NICHOLAS PARTY’S STUDIO, 2020 Gouache on Board 18.5 X 25.2 in/47 x 64 cm

ALEX KATZ’S STUDIO, Mixed media on canvas 67.3 X 91IN/171 x 231 cm, 2020

ELLSWORTH KELLY’S STUDIO, gouache on paper, 12 x 18in, 2018

BASQUIAT’S STUDIO 2, gouache on board