Joseph Beuys, gouache on wood
Frida Kahlo, gouache + pencil on paper, 11 x 14in
Kara Walker, gouache on paper
Van Gogh, 1997
Anselm Kieffer, gouache on paper
Yayoi Kusama, acrylic on canvas
Various Painters, 1998
Warhol with Double Elvis, silver acrylic on canvas
Picasso, 1996
Basquiat in football helmet, red ink on paper
Portrait of Basquiat 1, acrylic + spray paint on canvas
Frida Kahlo, oil on canvas, 30 x 24in, 2018
Basquiat, ink on paper
Joseph Beuys, acrylic on canvas
Gerhard Richter, acrylic on canvas
Howard Hodgkin, watercolor on heavyweight paper
Marlene Dumas, acrylic on canvas
Ai We Wei Wei, acrylic on canvas
President Obama, chalk on paper
Sunlight on the Thames at Windsor, 66 x 66in/168 x 168cm
Elizabeth McGovern, oil on linen, 1988
Lewanne and Natalie Portman, ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Charlotte Rampling, ink on paper
Keira Knightley, ink on paper
Natalie Portman,  ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Lewanne, 1993
Lewanne, brush and ink, 1994
Lewanne, 1996, oil on linen, 50 x 48in/127 x 122cm
Cosima, 1997
Cosima at 2 months, 1997, pencil on paper
Lewanne asleep outside, 1997
Lewanne + Cosima, 1997
Self Portrait, 1998
Lewanne + Cosima, 1999
Cosima age 2, 1999
Lewanne in Nature, 1999, ink on paper, 24 x 16in
Cosima playing with Lewanne's hand, 2000
Aubrey age 8, watercolor on paper, 2008
Aubrey age 9, 2009, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm
David Metcalfe, 2009
Lewanne at Stash's house
Cosima age 12, reed and ink, 2009
Lewanne in Umbria, reed and ink, 2009
Aubrey age 9, reed and ink, 2009
Cosima writing in her journal, reed and ink, 2009
Lewanne in Kaftan, reed and ink on paper
Aubrey age 11, pencil on paper, 2011
Cosima age 13, 2010
Lewanne, 2010
Flow, 2010
Lewanne, 2011
Harmony, 2010
Lewanne, 2011
Cosima age 14, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm, 2011
Cosima age 14, pencil on paper, 2011
Nirvana, 66 x 66in, 2012
Lewanne, 2015
Joseph Beuys, gouache on wood
Joseph Beuys, gouache on wood
Frida Kahlo, gouache + pencil on paper, 11 x 14in
Frida Kahlo, gouache + pencil on paper, 11 x 14in
Kara Walker, gouache on paper
Kara Walker, gouache on paper
Van Gogh, 1997
Van Gogh, 1997
Anselm Kieffer, gouache on paper
Anselm Kieffer, gouache on paper
Yayoi Kusama, acrylic on canvas
Yayoi Kusama, acrylic on canvas
Various Painters, 1998
Various Painters, 1998
Warhol with Double Elvis, silver acrylic on canvas
Warhol with Double Elvis, silver acrylic on canvas
Picasso, 1996
Picasso, 1996
Basquiat in football helmet, red ink on paper
Basquiat in football helmet, red ink on paper
Portrait of Basquiat 1, acrylic + spray paint on canvas
Portrait of Basquiat 1, acrylic + spray paint on canvas
Frida Kahlo, oil on canvas, 30 x 24in, 2018
Frida Kahlo, oil on canvas, 30 x 24in, 2018
Basquiat, ink on paper
Basquiat, ink on paper
Joseph Beuys, acrylic on canvas
Joseph Beuys, acrylic on canvas
Gerhard Richter, acrylic on canvas
Gerhard Richter, acrylic on canvas
Howard Hodgkin, watercolor on heavyweight paper
Howard Hodgkin, watercolor on heavyweight paper
Marlene Dumas, acrylic on canvas
Marlene Dumas, acrylic on canvas
Ai We Wei Wei, acrylic on canvas
Ai We Wei Wei, acrylic on canvas
President Obama, chalk on paper
President Obama, chalk on paper
Sunlight on the Thames at Windsor, 66 x 66in/168 x 168cm
Sunlight on the Thames at Windsor, 66 x 66in/168 x 168cm
Elizabeth McGovern, oil on linen, 1988
Elizabeth McGovern, oil on linen, 1988
Lewanne and Natalie Portman, ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Lewanne and Natalie Portman, ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Charlotte Rampling, ink on paper
Charlotte Rampling, ink on paper
Keira Knightley, ink on paper
Keira Knightley, ink on paper
Natalie Portman,  ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Natalie Portman, ink on paper, each 42 x 34in
Lewanne, 1993
Lewanne, 1993
Lewanne, brush and ink, 1994
Lewanne, brush and ink, 1994
Lewanne, 1996, oil on linen, 50 x 48in/127 x 122cm
Lewanne, 1996, oil on linen, 50 x 48in/127 x 122cm
Cosima, 1997
Cosima, 1997
Cosima at 2 months, 1997, pencil on paper
Cosima at 2 months, 1997, pencil on paper
Lewanne asleep outside, 1997
Lewanne asleep outside, 1997
Lewanne + Cosima, 1997
Lewanne + Cosima, 1997
Self Portrait, 1998
Self Portrait, 1998
Lewanne + Cosima, 1999
Lewanne + Cosima, 1999
Cosima age 2, 1999
Cosima age 2, 1999
Lewanne in Nature, 1999, ink on paper, 24 x 16in
Lewanne in Nature, 1999, ink on paper, 24 x 16in
Cosima playing with Lewanne's hand, 2000
Cosima playing with Lewanne's hand, 2000
Aubrey age 8, watercolor on paper, 2008
Aubrey age 8, watercolor on paper, 2008
Aubrey age 9, 2009, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm
Aubrey age 9, 2009, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm
David Metcalfe, 2009
David Metcalfe, 2009
Lewanne at Stash's house
Lewanne at Stash's house
Cosima age 12, reed and ink, 2009
Cosima age 12, reed and ink, 2009
Lewanne in Umbria, reed and ink, 2009
Lewanne in Umbria, reed and ink, 2009
Aubrey age 9, reed and ink, 2009
Aubrey age 9, reed and ink, 2009
Cosima writing in her journal, reed and ink, 2009
Cosima writing in her journal, reed and ink, 2009
Lewanne in Kaftan, reed and ink on paper
Lewanne in Kaftan, reed and ink on paper
Aubrey age 11, pencil on paper, 2011
Aubrey age 11, pencil on paper, 2011
Cosima age 13, 2010
Cosima age 13, 2010
Lewanne, 2010
Lewanne, 2010
Flow, 2010
Flow, 2010
Lewanne, 2011
Lewanne, 2011
Harmony, 2010
Harmony, 2010
Lewanne, 2011
Lewanne, 2011
Cosima age 14, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm, 2011
Cosima age 14, 24 x 24in/61 x 61cm, 2011
Cosima age 14, pencil on paper, 2011
Cosima age 14, pencil on paper, 2011
Nirvana, 66 x 66in, 2012
Nirvana, 66 x 66in, 2012
Lewanne, 2015
Lewanne, 2015